Through-hole connection system – mechanical
A simple method of achieving "plated-through" holes without investing in an electroplating system, this mechanical process permits quick and cost-effective conductivisation of holes in circuit board holes.
Three sizes: 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm;
Perfectly flat finish both sides (unlike eyelets and pins) – SMT-friendly;
Hollow (unlike pins) – suitable for through-hole components;
Pure copper for optimum conductivity
Kits are available in three sizes: 0.8mm, 1.0mm and 1.2mm. Each kit contains tooling and sufficient bails for 250 holes, one size per pack.
Additional packs of bail-bars are available, 10 strips of 25 bails = 250 holes, one size per pack.
What's the process?
It's a simple manual system which applies a conductive coating to the walls of a circuit board hole while maintaining a flat surface on both sides of the circuit board.
After hand-setting, the holes are left with a solder-plated copper wall and a solder-filled barrel. If a through-hole is not required, top and bottom pads are simply soldered. Where a through-hole is necessary, the solder core is removed with a de-soldering tool or wick after soldering both sides.
Either way, your holes are left with a tin-plated electrolytic-quality copper sleeve pressed into the hole walls, flat on both sides of the circuit board.
Three sizes are available: 0.8mm, 1.0mm and 1.2mm.
How does it work?
Bail-bars consist of lengths of solder wire which have been electroplated with pure copper, then over-plated with tin and scored at intervals of approximately 2mm. Each bail-bar is divided into 25 bails. |
An insertion tool is used to insert the end of the bail-bar into the hole. The bail-bar is snapped off to leave one bail in the hole. |
An automatic snap punch is placed over the end of the bail and pressed down, compressing the bail lengthwise and expanding it radially into the walls of the hole. |
After soldering both sides of the board to ensure connection between the pads and the sleeve, the hole may be de-soldered if a clear through-hole is required. Even if the application does not require a through-hole, de-soldering is still recommended to confirm that a satisfactory connection has been achieved.
What's in the kit?
Kits are available in three sizes (0.8mm, 1.0mm and 1.2mm), each kit comprising:
- Insertion tool;
- Punch;
- 10 bail bars (= 250 holes);
- 5 appropriately sized drill bits (1.5" long, 0.125" shank to suit Quick Circuit);
- Anvil.
(Additional packs of 10 bail-bars are available without the tooling.)